We are going to have a show at the LHUCA clay studio this First Friday, August 6th.
We will set up some display cases as well as have items available to art trail goers for a "suggested donation" price"
This donation goes to our club house/building fund.
We REALLY need club members to contribute to these donated items. I have suggested to some people that if there are any rocks they are not particularly attached to, this would be a great cause to donate them toward. If you have a hobby or craft that you like to make with rocks, those would be welcome too. I will be bringing a few of my creations. PLEASE consider bringing these items for donation to the ice cream social and meeting tomorrow! We can put them in the back of my car and I will bring them to the art trail.
The other option is to bring them to LHUCA on Friday! :D
The art trail is a ONE DAY event. The club will set up from 3pm-5pm and the art trail is from 6pm-9pm. Take down will be from 9pm-10pm.
I am also LOOKING FOR a few more people to bring rocks from your personal collection for a display case.
I will send another email to those that volunteer to setup, work, display, or donate on WEDNESDAY of this week so that we are all on the same page.
Text me if you would like to volunteer for something (806)445-6859
or we can talk at the meeting tomorrow! :)
Don't forget your ROCKS!